Em 1992, 18.305 pessoas foram “apagadas” (ilegalmente removidas do resisto esloveno de residentes permanentes), das quais 6.000 continuam sem a naturalidade eslovena ou uma autorização de residência permanente. Muitos dos 12.000 que conseguiram obter as suas residências permanentes ou naturalidade lutaram anos em casos burocráticos e legais. No entanto, continuam a sofrer as consequências do seu passado como “apagados” e não têm acesso a reparação completa, incluindo compensação financeira.
Actua Já!
A Amnistia Internacional (AI) Portugal está a promover um apelo dirigido a Janez Jansa, Primeiro-Ministro da Eslovénia, pedindo que restaure retroactivamente o estatuto de residentes permanentes a todos os “apagados” de 1992 e que forneça formas de reparação, incluindo compensação financeira. Pedimos que faça circular pelos seus contactos.
Podes usar o exemplo de carta que segue:
Your Excellency
Prime Minister of the
Republic of Slovenia
Mr. Janez Jansa
Gregorčičeva 20, 25
1000 Ljubljana
It has been 15 years since approximately 18,305 Slovenian permanent residents had their name “erased” from the Slovenian registry. Many of these individuals have yet to gain their status as permanent residents, with Ali Berisha and his family being in risk of re-deportation to Kosovo. All “erased individuals” are being denied their rights as permanent residents, including the right to health care and employment, and social security rights.
I believe that it is now time to restore the status of permanent resident to all the “erased”, as this situation has been going on for an excessive amount of time and is impairing your country to move forward.
You are not abiding by the Convention on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, which has extreme consequences for your people. Therefore, I urge you to allow the return of all “erased” persons to their country and to retroactively restore their status of permanent residents and to provide other forms of reparation, including financial compensation, to the individuals affected. Finally, may I draw your attention to the fact that public opinion is very concerned about these matters and your intervention will be very gratefully appreciated all over the world.
Yours Sincerely,
Actua Já!
A Amnistia Internacional (AI) Portugal está a promover um apelo dirigido a Janez Jansa, Primeiro-Ministro da Eslovénia, pedindo que restaure retroactivamente o estatuto de residentes permanentes a todos os “apagados” de 1992 e que forneça formas de reparação, incluindo compensação financeira. Pedimos que faça circular pelos seus contactos.
Podes usar o exemplo de carta que segue:
Your Excellency
Prime Minister of the
Republic of Slovenia
Mr. Janez Jansa
Gregorčičeva 20, 25
1000 Ljubljana
It has been 15 years since approximately 18,305 Slovenian permanent residents had their name “erased” from the Slovenian registry. Many of these individuals have yet to gain their status as permanent residents, with Ali Berisha and his family being in risk of re-deportation to Kosovo. All “erased individuals” are being denied their rights as permanent residents, including the right to health care and employment, and social security rights.
I believe that it is now time to restore the status of permanent resident to all the “erased”, as this situation has been going on for an excessive amount of time and is impairing your country to move forward.
You are not abiding by the Convention on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, which has extreme consequences for your people. Therefore, I urge you to allow the return of all “erased” persons to their country and to retroactively restore their status of permanent residents and to provide other forms of reparation, including financial compensation, to the individuals affected. Finally, may I draw your attention to the fact that public opinion is very concerned about these matters and your intervention will be very gratefully appreciated all over the world.
Yours Sincerely,
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